Preparing for the Challenges of Pregnancy and Delivery

Preparing for the Challenges of Pregnancy and Delivery

Pregnancy and childbirth have always been portrayed as this blissful, wonderful experience, especially for the mother and child. This, however, is most certainly not always true. As mothers all over the world would attest, pregnancy and delivery are some of, if not the most difficult things they can ever go through as women.

Fact of the matter is that there are many risks involved to any pregnancy, and delivery puts the mother’s life on the line. That is why utmost care and support are critical to ensuring the health of both mother and child.

Inasmuch as there are plenty to be excited about, it is also equally important to be aware of the possible downsides of pregnancy and delivery, so that expecting couples can better prepare for it.

Birth Injury

Every parent wants a perfect delivery of their child. However, there are some instances when this does not happen. Birth injuries could occur either due to certain difficulties during the process of delivery or medical malpractice.

The most frustrating thing about injuries is that these are situations that could have otherwise been prevented had due diligence and care been applied. If you feel that your child suffers from birth injury because of this, consider seeking help from organizations like the Birth Injury Justice Center to get the help you deserve.

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a very real condition that new mothers go through. Sleep deprivation, sudden and drastic changes in schedule and lifestyle, as well as an overwhelming cascade of emotions all can contribute to triggering this condition.

It’s often referred to as “baby blues” but it’s hardly as simple as merely having mood swings or not being able to get a full night’s sleep. In severe cases, postpartum depression may entail withdrawal from family and friends, even the husband. The depressed mother might also find it difficult to form a bond or attachment with the child.

Severe anxiety and panic attacks, intense bouts of irrational anger, and thoughts of harming oneself and/ or the baby are some of the more dangerous symptoms of postpartum depression. A lot of shame and guilt is also involved, so the mother might be careful not to show indication of what she’s really going through.

That’s why it’s crucial to have a strong support system in the husband and the rest of the family. It is a serious condition that needs to be addressed with utmost care, to help the mother be in her best form to take care of the child.

Postpartum Complications

Delivering a baby, regardless if it’s by natural or caesarean section method, is always going to be risky for the mother’s health. Postpartum healthcare is just as important in this case because the body has just gone through severe shock and trauma. Rest is crucial to facilitate faster healing.

Infections, breast pain, excessive bleeding, and torn stitches are some of the postpartum complications that can occur. These can be prevented, however, with proper care and support from doctors and family.

Provided by International Surrogacy Center